On 10/30/11 5:57 PM, Mateus Nobre wrote:
> Do you really think a traditional (you know, traditional in Wikipedia 
> equivalent to bureaucratic) communication and social system, friendship-free, 
> at wikis reduces the efficiency? Why the friendship and camaraderie in 
> editions and talk should reduce the efficiency of quality? Why working in a 
> pleasant ambiete worse results. I think economists and business-men disagree 
> with you.
> For your e-mail I found that you are probably Russian. You probably have read 
> Tolstoi, Anna KarĂȘnina. Using a literary example, Lievin, the landowner, 
> greatly increased his profit by changing the method of work of his moujiks. 
> The moujiks used to work in bad taste and bad-tempered when just followind 
> orders in a bad envronment. When Lievin adopted a collaborative approach, 
> when the moujiks could work without the several rules at a amicable 
> environment, profits rose.
> For Wikis is the same thing. Only the ideals are not enough. We have to have 
> a friendly, a pleasant, a nice environment. We've to make the time of 
> editions a good time to us. We've to smile editing Wikipedia. And know our 
> work is important to the community, moral support. Wikilove make Wikipedia 
> less a obligation and more a thing which we need every single day. This is 
> the point.
> _____________________
> MateusNobre

Efficiency has never been a part of Wikipedia's mission, but then, 
neither has community-building.  Collaborative communities build around 
an objective, in our case to assemble an encyclopedia. The efficient 
person, like Gogol's Chichikov, too easily roams the countryside 
collecting dead souls. a good product constantly renews itself in a 
cycle of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, and that's not efficient. Nor 
can it be accomplished in a divided community..

>> Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 23:22:27 +0400
>> From: pute...@mccme.ru
>> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Show community consensus for Wikilove
>>> When I spoke ''family'' I wanted to say we need a more likable system of
>>> communication. We need a real collaborative method, which not only fit for
>>> the editions, but for the treatment of users too. We're a big family
>>> working for a common objective: a world in which every single human being
>>> can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.
>>> Why we treat ourselves like co-workes when we have so many things in
>>> common? Why we have to be a firm when we could be friends who works
>>> together for the common good? Why not reduce the unnecessary bureaucracy
>>> among the editors communication with Wikilove? It's just a way to make the
>>> Wikimedia projects friendly and really collaborative!
>> Just because often it contradicts efficiency. Some people come here to
>> make friends, other come to have the job done (some of them have an agenda,
>> and others just want indeed to increase the sum of knowledge). For me
>> personally, making friends sounds like opposite to efficiency, because I
>> care about quality first. I see from the discussions that there are people
>> like me. I also know there are many people unlike me, for whom the
>> collaborative aspect is more important than the result. This is fine with
>> me. I just do not want any universal decisions to be made under assumptions
>> that we are all alike. We are not.
>> Cheers
>> Yaroslav

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