emijrp, 25/10/2011 12:30:
> Looks like we have a big ally in the digitisation of public domain content
> issue[1]:
> "The Europeana Foundation has published a policy statement, the Public
> Domain Charter, to highlight the value of public domain content in the
> knowledge economy. It alerts Europe's museums, libraries, archives and
> audiovisual collections to the fact that digitisation of Public Domain
> content does not create new rights in it."

Yes, it's pretty old.

> Are European Wikimedia chapters working on this with Europeana?

Somehow. They worked on it with COMMUNIA (led by NEXA Center for 
Internet & Society at Politecnico di Torino), a friend organization 
which made several initiatives such as the Public Domain Manifesto (you 
can see several chapters on 
http://publicdomainmanifesto.org/node/8/signatures ) and the 
http://publicdomainday.org/ which was celebrated by some chapters (I 
remember Italy and Poland).


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