
thanks for the extra info. It would be great if a more extensive timeline
could be entered into the actual information page. Dates I would be looking

* When should translations be finished for the first batch
* When are relevant deadlines?
* When is the fundraiser scheduled to start full scale testing
* When does the actual fundraiser start
* When should chapters etc plan to send their press releases if at all (and
when will the WMF version become available for inspiration & translation)
* When it is scheduled to end

Of course not everything will be defined into a day range, but some level of
indication would be nice. I know from historical reasons that it is likely
it starts in November, but it would be great if also people who don't know
that so well can easily find it. Of course the timeline doesn't have to be
binding, but rather indicative for what you expect to happen at this moment,
and it could change every day/week.


No dia 24 de Outubro de 2011 09:04, Till Mletzko

> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Fundraising_2011#When_does_the_fundraiser_start.3F
> Best,
> Till
> Am 19.10.2011 20:01, schrieb Chris Keating:
> >>
> >> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2011 and don't forget to
> check
> >> the discussion page for more places to discuss the fundraiser. As for a
> >> time-line, the fundraiser is scheduled to start within the first two
> weeks
> >> of November. I will see about adding some sort of time-line to the
> >> fundraising page.
> >>
> > I heard back in June that it was November 1st. Since we're now two weeks
> > away, perhaps we could have a confirmed start date.... ?
> >
> > Chris
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> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Till Mletzko
> Fundraiser
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