Risker, 09/10/2011 18:40:
> Two board members are selected by chaptersl however, the board has certain
> rights to refuse the selected candidates.  Chapter-selected candidates will
> be appointed in 2012.
> The WMF-wide community holds an election in odd-numbered years to nominate
> three candidates. Again, the board has certain rights to refuse the
> candidates with the most votes.
> The remainder of the board members are selected for their expertise, with
> the exception of the "Founder" seat which is approved on a regular basis.
> The primary responsibility of Board members is to the Foundation, not to the
> community or the chapters or to any other external agent.
I find this response a bit odd. ;-) It almost seems to assume that the 
community (or Nathan?) is likely wanting to elect someone the WMF 
couldn't accept, or that "responsibility to the community" is a bad 
thing, while we used to say only that there's no imperative mandate and 
that chapters-elected trustees are not chapters representatives, etc.


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