The image hide feature is useful, but the same feature to hide tables would
be great. In mobile mode, infobox tables fill the whole screen width and you
have to scroll a lot to read the article, which in my case, is what I want
to see.

2011/9/13 Liam Wyatt <>

> One of the side points about the recent image filter survey* was a
> discussion of the idea of a "switch" for readers to turn ALL multimedia off
> - primarily to reduce the bandwidth required to load a page if you want to.
> Then, by chance, I was reading a WP article on my phone this weekend and
> noted that there is now a link at the bottom of the mobile gateway
> that says "Disable images on mobile
> site<
> >"
> (and the inverse, "enable images on the mobile site", is shown if you click
> it).
> Is that a new feature or was it always there and I just didn't notice it?
> If it's a new feature, was it enabled as a result these recent discussions
> or was it just by chance?
> Is there any stats (or plans to collect stats) on how many people chose
> this
> option and what kind of mobile device they are browsing from?
>  Since the "disable images" function is already working, would it be useful
> to trial a subtle link to that function on the normal (non-mobile) site for
> a couple of weeks? Place it right down the bottom next to the tiny "privacy
> policy, about, disclaimers, mobile view" links? This would not be intrusive
> and we could see, through this most-subtle of links, whether anyone takes
> us
> up on the offer. If we find that more people click on the feature than
> expected then that would potentially justify making the feature more
> prominent (either in the toolbox, integrated into the "filter" software, as
> a user-preference etc.)?
> Just a suggestion.
> -Liam
> * Yes, it was a survey not a referendum. A referendum is where, according
> to
> our favourite website " entire electorate is asked to either accept or
> reject a particular proposal." Personally I'm generally in favour of the
> proposed personal image-hiding concept but please let's stop calling it a
> referendum.
> Peace, love & metadata
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