2011/8/22 rupert THURNER <rupert.thur...@gmail.com>:
> hi,
> openstreetmap tries to switch to a new license:
> http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/
> one of the disadvantages of the license is that it does not exist e.g. in
> german. what is the best strategy to get it in german as well? i am asking
> because in switzerland 1% of the swiss osm data was provided by one
> wikipedian who happened to also be mapper who was not able to agree to the
> license for a very long time. just before the zürich meetup on saturday he
> finally agreed. at the meetup he made clear that not having the license in
> german was one of the main obstacles that he did not agree for so long.
> if a mapper does not agree to the license change this would mean that his
> data gets deleted (but i do not know if osm has a deadline for the license
> change ...). deleting somebody's data in osm can be tricky as one has to
> delete work of others as well which builds up on this persons changes. an
> example is a street which got entered, and others adding details to it.
> does wikimedia have some community which might be helpful with such an
> issue?

I guess you should rather contact Open Knowledge Foundation which is
an organisation behind odbl licence


Maybe it would be good idea also to contact CC-Germany... I don't know
how it works in Switzerland, but in Poland the main activity of
CC-Polska is making local versions of CC licences and translations of
deed versions. In case of CC licences, the local CC chapters not only
translate licences but also make the localized versions of them. The
difference with direct translations is to add a minor changes to the
legal code to make it well fit with local copyright law, while still
preserving all conditions of them. Polish CC chapter has a bona-fide
lawyer who does this job. I guess SwisCC chapter has such a lawyer or
lawyers as well and I guess they might help...

Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz

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