2011/8/16 David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com>

> On 16 August 2011 09:06, Domas Mituzas <midom.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Anyway, we should definitely build something like that, just don't pay
> attention to suicide rate.
> :-) I am quite cognisant that the likely number of people wanting to
> build a full fork of Wikipedia may well be *zero*. I apologise if I
> have given any of this the sound of urgency. I am saying, however,
> that forkability is an important right thing, a guard against
> disasters and a good way to keep ourselves honest. And a lot (if not
> all) of what it requires is stuff we really should be doing anyway.
> (BTW - we *do* have someone making sure the Internet Archive - or a
> similar organisation,

I heard Internet Archive downloads dumps every 3 months (but no images).

Also, some time ago I heard about a contact with Library of Congress to host
dumps duplicates. No more news about that.

> if there are any similar organisations - has a
> full collection of all our backups, so if Florida was hit by a meteor
> tomorrow people would have something to start from?)
Instead of a meteor, maybe a hurricane. Instead of a hurricane, maybe a
faulty RAID. Did you hear about the RAID problem some months ago?


> - d.
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