On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 10:45 PM, David Richfield
<davidrichfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The system of charging readers for distribution of scientific information is
> fundamentally flawed. Wikipedia demonstrates that it is cheap to host data.
> Reviewers don't get paid. Companies pay plenty to advertise in journals. Why
> do I have to pay $50 to read someone's research?

We need a Wikijournal project, where scientists can do all the
functions of a journal without any prior approval--  collectively form
groups, review, and publish.
Free content is going to capture science eventually-- scientists want
open content too badly for the research journal monopoly to last
forever.    The only question is-- how can WM help ignite this
revolution waiting to happen?  If we're really lucky, can we ourselves
be the home to the successor of the for-profit journal system.

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