On 10/06/2011 5:55 PM, Sarah wrote:
> [...] that the software is actively inviting all accounts that meet
> those requirements, it means we're alerting all the socks that they're
> able to vote. They might otherwise not even have remembered some of
> the accounts the software is reminding them of.
> This is just not a good idea.

You are begging a number of questions:
- that the proportion of socks accounts is significant to begin with
- that many of those sock accounts will vote because of the reminder that
   otherwise would not have
- that the number of resulting fraudulent votes will be more significant
   than the number of *valid* votes the email will have generated; and
- that even a statistically significant number of sock votes would
   overweight the benefits of the increased voter turnout.

I don't believe any of those presumptions are valid.

-- Coren / Marc

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