On 4 June 2011 01:10, Thomas Morton <morton.tho...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Given the situation can we not be clear on the details of this?
> I have various views on the matter, but all of them really depend on what
> exactly this person did.
> As with all such matters I see no reason why discussion of the details
> cannot be conducted visibly, and if provided with the adequate level of
> detail I would be happy to venture an opinion.
> But precluding that, you are asking the views of a group of people who
> probably do not have a full (or event partial) view of the facts of this
> case... for which you are asking for a global response....
> And you are then wondering why they question this issue!
> I think there is no question is cases such as this; lay the details plainly,
> and screw any pussy footing around the details. If this individual has a
> history that means BAD THINGS will happen, I feel details will sway more
> than allusions.
> Tom

We know Poetlister's meatspace identity. Are you demanding that we repeat that?


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