It is the explicit goal of the Wikimedia Foundation to make information
available for as long as it exist. In addition to this, there are several
copies at the Internet Archive.

If there is no statement that satisfies your need, it will not be hard for
the WMF board to come up with one. Having such a statement by tomorrow is a
bit much to ask for.

On 2 June 2011 13:29, Fae <fae...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm taking part in an images discussion workshop with a number of
> academics tomorrow and could do with a statement about the WMF's long
> term commitment to supporting Wikimedia Commons (and other projects)
> in terms of the public availability of media. Is there an official
> published policy I can point to that includes, say, a 10 year or 100
> commitment?
> If it exists, this would be a key factor for researchers choosing
> where to share their images with the public.
> Thanks,
> Fae
> --
> http://enwp.org/user_talk:fae
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