On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Sarah <slimvir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For those who deal with the BLP queue on OTRS, how serious is the
> problem of BLP attack pages, whether rising to the level of defamation
> or not?
> I know the problem exists -- anyone who edits can see it -- but I'd be
> interested in hearing from OTRS people how pervasive it is in terms of
> what's reported to them. Does anyone keep figures?
> Sarah
The Community Dept (Christine) is in the midst of looking at and classifying
inbound tickets to begin to give us a real feel for that.  I hope we'll have
some answers soon, but I'll ask her to give me a 30,000 foot overview and
report back here.

Philippe Beaudette
Head of Reader Relations
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

415-839-6885, x 2106  (reader relations)


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