> By this message I would like to thank all of you that helped me with
> my survey about copyright in the digital age.
> I collected a respectable number of responses and I received a lot of
> comments and suggestions.
> Now I am going to close the survey in a few days. So before starting
> in processing the data I'd rather to ask you a last effort in
> promoting the initiative.
> I will be very grateful if you could spread the link for the last
> time. And if you did not have the chance to fill the questionnaire,
> please do it soon.
> Here is the link: .
> If you are on Facebook, you can help me sharing the public event and
> the fan-page that I created: they are available searching by the
> Facebook search-engine the words "survey copyright digital age".
> Thanks very much for your support.
> --
> Simone Aliprandi - Ph.D. Candidate at Bicocca University of Milan

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