I think you're missing the humor in the "choice" of word misspelled. If you're 
going to criticize Fred's intelligence, you should take care to ensure that you 
spell intellectual correctly. Otherwise, it puts quite a damper on your 
argument. If I was getting heart surgery, I would want my surgeon to know how 
to spell the body part he is working on. Is it too much to ask that someone 
making a statement about someone else's intellectual level actually be capable 
of "intellectual"? Finally, considering I don't have the slightest clue what 
your primary language is and you seem to use complex English words quite well, 
your defensiveness about it being a second language is rather perplexing. That 
being said, I have no interest in taking this further off topic, I just thought 
the error was funny. Apparently, sarcasm is a one-way street on this list.

On Apr 3, 2011, at 1:47 AM, Virgilio A. P. Machado wrote:

> When I misspelled the word intellectual I wasn't referring to certain 
> people whose language skills revolve around being spell checkers. It 
> is always a thrill to trample on somebody else's language, mostly 
> when they can't utter a single word on any other except their own 
> language, much less address you in your own language. Misspelling or 
> mispronouncing any other language except my own? What, me worry?
> At 06:14 03-04-2011, you wrote:
>> On Apr 3, 2011, at 1:02 AM, Virgilio A. P. Machado wrote:
>>> intelectual
>> *cough*
>> -Dan
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