yan...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hello,
> 2011/3/29 ???? <wiki-l...@phizz.demon.co.uk>:
> > On 28/03/2011 18:35, Nathan wrote:
> >> The bar for contributing is higher. Whether because editing is more
> >> technically challenging, or because the rules and standards are more
> >> complex, or simply because more of what people know is documented than
> >> it was 4 years ago... it's harder in a variety of ways for people to
> >> contribute significantly on a regular basis (i.e. become regular
> >> editors, as opposed to making several contributions and not
> >> returning).
> >>
> >
> > Ah there is the reason, the sum of all human knowledge is approaching
> > completion. Well done to all.
> We are very far from that.
> All the issue is that of notability.
Should I have put a "snark" tag on the above?

> If we apply the current criteria, which is mainly applied on Western
> subjects, to other parts of the world, we could have 10 times more
> articles (villages and towns, local customs and food, etc.).

If I look at the articles for villages in my area, they are mostly stubs and 
will pretty well always be so, as a lot of the interesting stuff is local 
history which is not available in main stream publications. Other than listing 
the pubs, the schools the bus timetable, and whether there is a Londis store, 
what else can be said about them? Well take this place:


the church in that place contains a whole book full of history. The Spenser 
monuments are some of the most important in the country. The pews have C14 - 
C16 carved poppyheads, the chancel contains the tombs of George Washington's 
grandfather, there is stained glass by Edward Burne-Jones ...

This place


has a Romanesque font sat upon three Atlas figures, and is one of the most 
important such works in the UK. A few miles away is another nationally 
important Romanesque font:


BTW that place also contains works by Pugin. And finally this place is chock 
full of works by Burne-Jones:


Whilst much of it is recorded in Pevsner he is often wrong, and often doesn't 
mention things.

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