That sounds interesting.

Biligual people would act as bridges among languages in a natural way
without any effort in translating just participating simultaneously in
several sublists.

Is this feature available in foundation-l?

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <>wrote:

> Joan Goma, 15/03/2011 14:59:
>  If we could filter the noise, in each monolingual list and then record the
>> signal and translate it to the other languages this could enrich the
>> conclusions and make all the people feel part of the global project.
>> But I don’t know how to do this.
> Perhaps a single multilingual list could efficiently work as a bunch of
> monolingual lists if we used mailman "topics" to label messages by language;
> each user could then set in its preferences which languages he wants to
> receive (only the languages he understands well, or also some related
> languages, or every language because he's willing to use machine translators
> or is not annoyed by non-understandable messages). In this manner, you could
> avoid fragmenting foundation-l (and other similar lists) but each subset of
> users could avoid being overwhelmed by messages in a foreign and not wanted
> language.
> But I've never seen mailman topics in use and I don't know how and if they
> work.
> Nemo
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