2011/3/11 Mani Pande <mpa...@wikimedia.org>:
>> MzMcBride wrote:
>> "After having looked at the survey content, the survey software, and the
>> survey format (particularly the length), I have very, very low confidence
>> that anything of value will come from this (beyond lessons of what not to do
>> next time)."
> Based upon my experience having conducted surveys and quantitative
> research for over 12 years, this is a very incorrect assessment of the
> survey. The survey answers questions that are important to the
> foundation, and will help us understand the editor community so we can
> provide them an engaging  editing environment, ensure we can increase
> their needs to increase retention and increase the diversity among
> editors.

...Except the results will be based only on the answers of people who
have patience for a 20-minute survey. It's the year 2011 - in 20
minutes i receive about 20 emails and i have to read them and answer
them. Does the Foundation knowingly want to exclude busy people from
this survey?

I noticed the "Take a WMF-sponsored survey on barriers to expert
participation in Wikipedia." banner on the top of English Wiktionary
the other day. I clicked it and answered a whole page of questions
that were interesting and relevant. And the next page presented the
same bunch of questions again, somewhat rephrased. I hate it when that
happens and i immediately closed the survey; my answers to the
relevant questions on the first page probably went to the drain.

Please consider breaking the twenty-minute into five four-minute
surveys conducted along several months.

Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
"We're living in pieces,
 I want to live in peace." - T. Moore

> As for Lime Survey, it is a great open source tool that is able
> to meet all our needs.  Again based upon my experience, a 20 minute
> survey is standard for most surveys. A learning from our last survey was
> that our community is very engaged and I believe the length of the
> survey is the least of our problems.

>> The pool of people who will click the banner is already fairly small. The
>> people who will want to start a 20-minute survey is even smaller.
> When we did UNU-Merit which was a similar length, we got over 100,000
> complete responses so your assessment that the pool is fairly small is
> unsubstantiated.
> If you have more feedback, please post it on the wiki.
> Mani
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