On 3/8/2011 4:24 PM, Pedro Sanchez wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Arthur Richards<aricha...@wikimedia.org>  
> wrote:
>> I don't know much about any official partnerships the Foundation has,
>> but a non-trivial amount of in-person collaboration and information
>> sharing goes on on a regular basis in the office between other tech
>> organizations/companies (like Reddit, Google, OWA, Creative Commons,
>> CiviCRM, etc) that would be impossible if we were working in an office
>> in, say, Duluth, Minnesota.  Or St. Petersburg, Florida for that
>> matter.  This has extraordinary benefit for us, at least in the
>> technology department
> Thank you for your enlightening response.
> * Reddit ... a project with values similar to ours
> * Google  ... a project with values similar to ours
> * OWA  ?¿
> * CivicCRM  ... this one offers services to help internal management
> * Creative Commons  ok, finally one project with similar values than
> ours: free content
> Now, out of the five, only one is actually related and shares similare
> values with our purpose.
> Then if you're part of staff,  you're ina much better position to know
> about the benefical exchanges allowed by the move (which I agree, it's
> pointless to discuss now, what's done it's done). But now, if there
> are so many benefits over these years, but even people working closely
> don't know, this only hilights how disconnected are the elite from the
> working community.
> Now, actual exchanges  that have got a lot of publicity and results:
> Kaltura: SF? No.. NY
A big part of Kaltura's contribution was to sponsor the work of Michael 
Dale, who works out of the San Francisco office, and who previously was 
at the university in relatively nearby Santa Cruz.

--Michael Snow

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