On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 12:54 PM, brock.wel...@gmail.com
<brock.wel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Indeed, you've hit the nail on the head. In the talkpage exchange I already
> accepted this election is tallied. This is more about fixing the election
> process now. Something as simple as using a bot to template all
> non-qualified votes pointing to an easy to follow list of whats needed to
> achieve technical compliance during a, say, 3-day vote freeze following an
> election, or even 3 days before it closes would easily be sufficient I
> think.

It might be a bit tricky for a bot to automatically find all the
struck votes afterwards.

Another solution, which might be easier to implement, is for a bot to
check every contributor to the voting pages for compliance, and notify
any contributor who doesn't have a cross-linked account.

John Vandenberg

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