On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 16:41, Pronoein <prono...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Le 01/03/2011 18:31, Michael Snow a écrit :
> > On 3/1/2011 12:57 PM, Pronoein wrote:
> >> If there is such a minority of ethical concerns, it could be one of the
> >> reasons that volunteers are leaving the boat.
> > Based on the one survey of former contributors that has been conducted
> > (see
> > http://strategy.wikimedia.org/wiki/Former_Contributors_Survey_Results),
> > this doesn't figure highly enough to demonstrate the kind of significant
> > minority you suggest. Rather, the concerns of those surveyed are
> > overwhelmingly about how rulebound, overly complex, and unfriendly their
> > work in the community seemed to be. Perhaps somebody would care to go
> > back through the full survey responses and see if they can identify
> > comments that fit the "I was being exploited" line you're pushing here.
> Michael, I wouldn't underestimate the "I'm being exploited" feeling for
people either leaving, or failing to join up. In Wikipedia's early years, we
were exploiting ourselves, as it were. But the more of a corporate structure
the Foundation assumes, the greater the sense that we're working for
something in which we have no input. There will be a tipping point that
differs for each individual, and they may not even express it in those

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