So far I knew that the Slavic languages need support to properly address
women. I just learned that the Indic languages also differentiate between a
male and a female user (inlike English). To top it off, Hindi has a form for
inanimate objects. I do not think that we need to go as far and localise for
our bots. We can safely address them though their operators but then again,
it is not for me to say. :)

What I would like to learn is if Bishanka has an opinion about being
addressed as a woman in her mother tongue. If other women on this list have
an opinion I am equally interested to learn their opinion

Any way, at translatewiki.net the overwhelming majority of the localisers is
male.. This is not by design, it just happens to be that way. When there are
women who are interested in supporting specifically their gender in their
language or in supporting their language in general, they are more then
welcome at translatewiki.net. Finding someone who is happy to hack at
translatewiki.net and help with our internationalisation and localisation
work would be absolute bliss.
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