Could you share with us what university or school you are studying ?

On 13 February 2011 16:44, Jeroen Kleijn <jeroenkl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> You are being invited to complete an online questionnaire concerning
> your attitudes and ideology related to Wikipedia.
> This survey is part of a Master Thesis research project which
> investigates the effects of the increasing participation at reliability
> of Wikipedia. The survey is designed to collect information that will
> help to identify the contributors of
> To be eligible for this investigation you should be an user of Wikipedia
> who has contributed to the website by creating or editing an article.
> The questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. To
> collect a high number of responses I hearty ask you to redirect this
> email to other (non-list members) Wikipedians.
> Your support is greatly appreciated.
> With regards,
> Jeroen Kleijn
> Survey:
> http://freeonlinesurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=ag5flewr68z06ay867574
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