Hi folks,

please find below the Wikimedia Foundation report for January.

As always, you'll find a wikified version on Meta (this one includes a
selection of 10th anniversary photos, so do take a look):


Edits and feedback are always welcome.

All best,

In this report:

   * 1 Data and Trends
   * 2 Financials
   * 3 Highlights
         o 3.1 10th Anniversary
         o 3.2 New Wikimedia Foundation Fellowships
         o 3.3 Movement Roles Workshop
   * 4 Technology
         o 4.1 General Engineering
         o 4.2 Operations
         o 4.3 Features
   * 5 Research and Strategy
   * 6 Community
         o 6.1 Fundraising Team
         o 6.2 Public Policy Initiative
   * 7 Global Development
         o 7.1 Offline
         o 7.2 Global Development Research
         o 7.3 Grantmaking and Wikimania Scholarships
         o 7.4 Brazil Catalyst Project
         o 7.5 India Catalyst Project
   * 8 Communications
   * 9 Human Resources
   * 10 Finance and Administration
   * 11 Visitors and Guests

Data and Trends

[Only December data is available as of February 10, 2011]

   Global unique visitors:
   395 million (-3.7% compared to previous month / +14% compared to
   previous year)
   comScore data for December, all Wikimedia Foundation projects;
   comScore will release January data later in February

   Page requests:
   13.9 billion (-6.7% compared to previous month / + 22.9% compared to
   previous year)
   (Wikimedia Foundation data for December, all Wikimedia Foundation
   projects including Wikipedia mobile)

   Report Card for December 2010: http://stats.wikimedia.org/reportcard/


[Only December data is available as of February 10, 2011]

   Operating revenue for December: USD 8.0MM vs plan of 9.9MM.
   Operating revenue year-to-date December: USD 18.1MM vs plan of 15.1MM.

The successful 2010 fundraising campaign has resulted in the Wikimedia
Foundation exceeding its revenue targets year-to-date. Revenue above
does not reflect amounts expected to be received from chapters: that
revenue will be reflected once payments are received.

   Operating expenses for December: USD 1.7MM vs plan of 1.8MM
   Operating expenses year-to-date: December: USD 7.7MM vs plan of 10.0MM

The Wikimedia Foundation is under-spent for December primarily due to
timing of capital expenditures and internet hosting, as well as
under-spending in staffing costs (a decision was made early in the year
to bias towards hiring slowly and well, rather than prioritizing speed).
Major data center purchases that occurred in January will make up for
much of this underspend.

Cash and investments as of December 2010 totaled $22.8MM (approximately
13 months of expenses).


10th Anniversary

On January 15, 2011, Wikipedia was 10 years old, an event that was heard
around the wikis and celebrated around the globe. The Wikimedia
Foundation supported chapters, volunteers, and other groups hosting
celebrations in self-organizing events, spreading the good news, and
generally marking this a once-in-a-movement historic event.

*Celebrations everywhere*

More than 400 celebrations were logged at http://ten.wikipedia.org/.
Many took place on or around January 15, with more planned for later in
the year. Photo gallery can be found here:


The celebrations included wiki-conferences, photo walks, casual
meet-ups, dance parties, pub nights and kite flying. Wikimedia
Foundation staff and board members travelled to support a variety of
events, including: Ting Chen in Nairobi, Jimmy Wales and Jan-Bart de
Vreede in London, Bishakha Datta in Kolkata, Phoebe Ayers in San
Francisco, Frank Schulenburg in Budapest, and Barry Newstead and Moka
Pantages in Mumbai. Many celebrations included an airing of a special
message from Jimmy Wales produced by WMF for the Wikipedia community:


On January 15, Bay Area Wikimedians staged an all-day conference
featuring speakers Ward Cunningham and Kevin Kelly. The Wikimedia
Foundation supported that event by staging a party for roughly 250
guests that same evening.

Barry Newstead spoke at the Wikipedia 10 celebration in Mumbai. He also
spoke at three events in Pune, India: a TEDxPUNE event for school
children, a meeting of public administrators in Pune, and the official
Wikimedia community event.

*T-Shirts and buttons for the mission*

The Wikimedia Foundation shipped more than 80 Wikipedia 10 celebration
kits to support volunteer-organized events all over the world. Each
included 50 custom-themed T-shirts, buttons, and stickers. This was an
important pilot for the Wikimedia movement: new data about customs,
logistics, and postal services for a wide range of nations has been
gathered, and new processes for soliciting orders from chapters or other
groups for timely delivery have been developed.

*Collaborative design*

With the help of San Francisco graphic designer David Peters, WMF
produced a simple design scheme to help celebrate Wikipedia 10. The
Wikipedia 10 design concept was at the center of event-related
merchandise, and was further localized and developed by dozens of local
Wikipedia groups in the form of icons, banners, cakes, and other products.


New Wikimedia Foundation Fellowships

Lennart Guldbrandsson began a six-month fellowship during which he will
work on the Bookshelf Project (public outreach resources and many
languages) and the Account Creation Improvement Project (exploring ways
to engage more people to become editors after making a Wikimedia project
account). The full announcement can be found at:


Liam Wyatt began a 12-month fellowship to build the capacity of the
Wikimedia community to undertake partnerships with cultural institutions
known as GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums), following
his pioneering work in this area:


Achal Prabhala began a four-month fellowship focused on the role of oral
citations as a source for Wikimedia projects. He will be conducting
field research in rural South Africa and India with Wikipedians and
non-Wikipedians across three languages - he plans to explore ways to
compensate for the lack of written source material in many local
languages. The full announcment can be found at:


Maryana Pinchuk's fellowship has been extended for an additional 12
months, so that she can coordinate the writing of histories of several
more Wikipedias. She and fellow Victoria Doronina will soon be releasing
their history of the Russian Wikipedia in both Russian and English on
Meta and on the Russian Wikipedia. See the previous announcement:


Movement Roles Workshop

The Movement Roles project is a project of the WMF Board of Trustees
supported by contractors Austin Hair and Jon Huggett acting as
facilitators. Its goal is to clarify the roles and responsibilities of
different entities, groups, and people working to support the
international Wikimedia movement. It is working on recommendations for
the development of Wikimedia as a global network of organizations.

The working group held an in-person meeting in Frankfurt on January 29
and 30. The meeting reviewed suggestions from the past few months,
identified areas of agreement and disagreement, and proposed ideas to
provoke discussion in the broader community. Work will continue on Meta
and is open to input and participation from all.


The group drafted a matrix of organizational roles and responsibilities:


The next in-person meeting of the group will be the day before the March
chapters meeting in Berlin.


As in previous months, details of our technology activities in the month
of January 2011 can be found in the tech blog:


Highlights below:

General Engineering

*MediaWiki 1.17*

MediaWiki 1.17 is the upcoming release of the MediaWiki software. We
plan to deploy MediaWiki 1.17 to Wikimedia Foundation sites on February
8th. We are still working through the code review queue (revisions,
graph) and fixing some integration issues. The major noticeable feature
of this deployment will be Resource Loader, which will enable the
release of the second iteration of Article Feedback sometime afterwards.
We are also dark-launching the improved category collation code that
Aryeh Gregor wrote back in August, and will enable this feature shortly
after the 1.17 launch. Some new extensions will also wait until after
the dust settles from the 1.17 launch.


*Data Center*

In January, we finally placed orders for most of the equipment for the
Ashburn VA Data Center. We expect to be slightly over budget on this
order as we have decided to order extra high-availability storage
hardware for backups. Starting in February, teams of Ops engineers will
be working to rack these new machines. We plan to post a link to a live
video feed of our enclosure where you can see the work in progress.

*Media Storage*

Since December, we have been working with a contract engineer to create
a new extensible Media Storage Architecture, and are now at the point of
testing on a single machine. As the new Upload Wizard is coming closer
to production-quality release, we are trying to anticipate a substantial
increase in media contributions.


We signed a deal with Watchmouse, a global website and application
performance monitoring company. The community can expect us to broaden
the public information we make available on performance of our wikis
around the world.

*Virtualization Cluster*

We continued to work on creating an environment to deploy temporary
machines for testing and experimentation, for use by WMF staff and
volunteers working on important projects (as capacity allows). WMF Ops
Engineer Ryan Lane announced the release of the OpenStackManager
extension for MediaWiki, which interacts with OpenStack, an open source
toolset for cloud computing. There was a bit of a setback, however, with
some missing features in OpenStack testing, so we are waiting for the
next OpenStack release before deploying this. We have a little more
hardware to configure as well.


*Threaded Discussions - Liquid Threads*

A formal evaluation of LiquidThreads, a new discussion system for talk
pages, is underway. This includes its UI, code and database
architecture. We are modifying the design to incorporate input from
several community discussions as well as from our engineering staff. We
plan to consolidate all of our documentation on these discussions on
mediawiki.org in the next month.

*Other Features*

Tomasz Finc began work with two new engineering contracts on offline
content projects. Tomasz blogged about it here:


Research and Strategy

Wikipedia's 10th anniversary saw several scholarly outlets call for
experts and researchers to join Wikipedia and help "overcome the
prejudices against Wikipedia in academic circles" [1-2]. To this aim,
Dario Taraborelli, in collaboration with Daniel Mietchen and Panagiota
Alevizou from the Wikimedia Research Committee, designed a survey to
better understand the barriers to expert participation in Wikimedia
projects [3]. The pilot phase started in December and ended in January
and the official launch of the survey is due on February 8, 2011.

On January 10, 2011, Dario Taraborelli published, in collaboration with
Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia and Moritz Stefaner, an interactive
visualization of the 200 longest Article for Deletion discussions in the
history of Wikipedia [4], introducing scholarly research on the
functioning and impact of AfD discussions to a broader audience.

Research continued on the Article feedback study and Dario Taraborelli
joined Howie Fung in analyzing the early data, with new results to be
published later this month.

Members of the Research Committee continued the discussion on subject
recruitment guidelines for Wikimedia research projects in collaboration
with WMF staff. The committee also started to explore possible venues
for a research panel, with the goal of discussing research directions of
strategic importance to the Wikipedia community at a major social
computing conference.

Howie Fung, Diederik van Liere and Erik Moeller continued review of
first data from the Editor Trends Study [6] conducted by Diederik van
Liere. The study is an in-depth quantitative analysis of major trends in
Wikipedia editing communities, and will be published on StrategyWiki in
February. Howie and Erik also continued work on the Product Whitepaper,
a comprehensive assessment of product development priorities in
strategic context. [7]

   [1] http://chronicle.com/article/article-content/125899/
   [2] http://www.jmir.org/2011/1/e14/
   [4] http://notabilia.net
   [6] http://strategy.wikimedia.org/wiki/Editor_Trends_Study
   [7] http://strategy.wikimedia.org/wiki/Product_Whitepaper


Fundraising Team

The fundraising team wrapped up the successful 2010 fundraising campaign
in January. The team ran contribution banners that asked people to get
involved with Wikipedia by starting to edit. These banners were later
replaced by banners that highlighted Wikipedia's 10 year anniversary.

The team spent the rest of January beginning an in-depth retrospective
on the testing and operations of the 2010 fundraiser.

Public Policy Initiative

The Public Policy Initiative Team kicked off the new year with a two-day
train-the-trainer session in San Francisco prior to the start of the
spring semester. A group of current ambassadors were trained as trainers
to prepare them to lead five two-day regional ambassador trainings in
various US locations: San Francisco, New York, Washington D.C., Baton
Rouge, and Indianapolis. As a result, the number of Wikipedia
Ambassadors is growing rapidly, and about 46 % of them female. With the
goal of globalizing the program, Wikipedia community observers from
Sweden, Israel, Germany, and Brazil attended the train-the-trainer
session and the San Francisco ambassador training. Sage Ross spoke about
the Public Policy Initiative at the Wikipedia 10th anniversary
celebration in Washington D.C.

Global Development


   * We began pursuing partnerships with computer manufacturers and
     other education agencies to aid in the distribution of the offline
     materials upon completion. Meanwhile, milestones were accomplished
     by the Wikimedia community:
         o The community neared completion of new releases of the
           "Wikipedia 1.0" project and Wikipedia for Schools, two
           article selection projects in the English language Wikipedia
           that select the most applicable and high-quality subset of
           articles. Other language communities also actively
           contributed to the development of offline content, including
         o Community distribution began of the Wikipedia for Schools
           English version, using the Kiwix offline reader, throughout

Global Development Research

   * Completed a first draft of the English version of the Wikipedia
     editor survey;
   * Created a mobile strategic plan for current and next fiscal year
     with engineering, including a detailed timeline for different
     phases of mobile research beginning with ethnographic research and
     survey in key markets to UX testing;
   * Started work on the readership survey, working with vendors to
     conduct a household survey in key countries;
   * Worked with engineering team to conduct analytics for global
     development, including the creation of a monthly report card that
     focuses on India.

Grantmaking and Wikimania Scholarships

   * Funded 13 new grants in December and January, nine of which were
     in support of Wikipedia 10 celebrations;
   * Met our budget for grantmaking in 2010-11 at the end of January;
   * Held an open call for Wikimania 2011 scholarship applications
     throughout January and then closed the call on January 31, 2011.

Brazil Catalyst Project

Kul Takanao Wadhwa and Jessie Wild spent the last half of January in
Brazil, with these goals:

   * Raising awareness of Wikimedia projects and Wikimedia's presence
     in Brazil;
   * Finding productive partnerships for WM initiatives in Brazil;
   * Introducing the Brazilian community members to different
   * Better understanding what WM presence in Brazil could and should
     look like going forward.

They met with universities, community members, student organizations,
government officials, and potential tech partners. The trip was very
productive, and a full set of details including the agenda and materials
utilized can be found here:


Progress on the Brazil Catalyst Project work included:

   * Mobile research:
   * January Community Interviews:
   * Debate on structures:
   * Started to document laws that could affect WMF in Brazil:
   * Started documenting possible legal structures as well as more
     practical issues that will help with logistics, such as "how to
     send money to Brazil". Also started checking-in with lawyers and
     accountants who can help with logistics on the ground:

India Catalyst Project

Barry Newstead and Moka Pantages spent one week in India to attend
Wikipedia 10 celebrations, meet with community, stakeholders, NGO and
government officials, and conducted fact-finding meetings with
associated organizations.

Highlights from the trip included:

   * Barry attended Wikipedia 10 celebrations in Mumbai at VJTI and in
     Pune at the Symbiosis Institute. Moka joined Wikimedians in Bangalore;
   * Barry met with some members of the newly formed Indian chapter,
     Sunil Abraham of the Centre for Internet and Society, and Achal
     Prabhala, Wikimedia Advisory Board member;
   * Barry, Moka and Arjuna from the India chapter had an introductory
     discussion with Nokia Research;
   * Barry and Moka traveled to Mumbai to meet with a group of students
     and educators at IIT-Mumbai, as well as to visit Reliance
     Telecommunications for introductory discussions on their mobile
     strategy and tour their operations center and data center;
   * After Mumbai, Barry and Moka traveled to Delhi met with Bishakha
     Datta, Hari Prasad Nadig from the Wikimedia India chapter, and
     contracted legal counsel to attend a round table discussion with
     local NGOs and officials working in similar areas as the Wikimedia
   * Barry and Moka met with Google India's communications and legal
     teams in Gurgaon;
   * Moka stayed behind and conducted additional meetings with
     community members, as well as press and communications
     organizations in India, Hong Kong and Seoul;
   * In Hong Kong, Moka met with Chinese Wikipedians from Hong Kong, as
     well as a group of five who traveled from neighboring Macau;
   * In Seoul, Moka met with a group of 16 Korean Wikipedians. This
     meeting kicked-off a group initiative to continue regular meetings
     to begin the chapter creation process.


Since Wikipedia's inception, journalists and other cultural commentators
have struggled to assess its societal impact, often criticizing the
content as inaccurate, or the model as one that cannot work. As the 10th
anniversary approached, the international media seized the opportunity
to reassess: this resulted in hundreds of stories around the world that
were overwhelmingly positive. The media coverage painted a picture of
Wikipedia as a successful educational endeavor serving more than 400
million people. Its volunteer and non-profit nature were recognized and

January 4-6 NYC Media Tour with Jimmy Wales

   * Jimmy was interviewed by six media outlets, including the Daily
     Show with Jon Stewart.

January 9-12 NY Media Tour with Sue Gardner

   * Sue was interviewed by 10 media outlets, including an
     off-the-record lunch with the New York Times, which prompted the
     "Gender Gap" story January 30.

January 12 Media Call

   * Both Sue and Jimmy participated in an hour-long media call with 15
     journalists including the Associated Press, Al Jazeera and

Highlights included:

   * Cover stories for BusinessWeek and the Economist
   * Front page of the New York Times
   * Substantial pieces by Time magazine, La Tercera, the Washington
     Post, Wired, Agence-France-Press, Origó, Hong Kong Economic Times,
     Associate Press, Spiegel, The Guardian, Chronicle of Higher
     Education, El País, NPR, Times of India, PC world (macedonian
     edition), LA Times, The Hindu, The Atlantic and the Huffington
     Post, La Repubblica.

Links to coverage:

   * http://ten.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_coverage
   * http://www.economist.com/node/17902943?story_id=17902943
   * http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/internet/article1073395.ece
   * http://news.etnet.com.cn/feature/shisuibaike20110114.html
   * http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,739367,00.html

Other links and information for January 2011:

Press releases issued in January 2011:


Media contact through January 2011:

   * http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Press_room/Media_Contact#January_2011

Blog posts through January 2011:

   * http://blog.wikimedia.org/blog/2011/01/

For lots of detailed coverage and news summaries, see the
community-edited Wikipedia Signpost editions for January 2011:


Human Resources

A large percentage of the staff in San Francisco was out for at least a
week with the "WikiPlague", a variant of the RSV virus that we seem to
have caught at the 10th Anniversary Party.

We made solid progress in recruiting over January and posted and boarded
all of the positions we wanted to. We engaged two new recruiting firms,
and are starting to see results from them. HR also conducted a hiring
and onboarding process overhaul.

We started tracking metrics for new hires and the Wikimedia Foundation
as a whole, and will start compiling anonymized data regarding diversity
and other internal characteristics so that we stay mission-aligned.

The fellowship engagements have prompted the formalizing of the
Fellowship program and other alternative employment options at the
Wikimedia Foundation, and initiated a conversation that is currently

We have decided on an HRM software called OrangeHRM, which is an open
source project. More news on this in February as we start engaging with

New Hires

   * Maryana Pinchuk, Research Fellow (Community) – Temp Full Time


   * James Alexander, Community Associate (Community) – Temp Full Time
   * Ryan Faulkner, Data Analyst (Tech) – Temp Full Time
   * Mark Hershberger, Bugmeister (Tech) – Temp Full Time

New Openings Posted

   * Data Analytics Engineer (Tech)
   * Fundraiser Data Analyst (Community)
   * Development Associate (Community)
   * Volunteer Development Coordinator (Community)
   * Community Department Research Fellow (Community)
   * Performance Engineer (Tech)
   * Operations Engineer (Tech)
   * Software Developer – Features (Tech)

Openings Still Posted

   * Head of Community Fellowship Program
   * Senior QA Engineer
   * Software Developer (Mobile)

Contracts Completed

   * Keegan Peterzell, Community Associate
   * Dan Rosenthal, Community Associate
   * Alexander Zariv, Community Associate
   * Pete Forsyth, Public Outreach Officer

Total Employee Count

   Plan: 81
   Actual: 60

Remaining Open Positions to fiscal year end: 31

Job Openings - http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Job_openings

Real-time feed for HR updates: http://identi.ca/wikimeidaatwork or

Finance and Administration

   * Submitted draft of the 2009 Form 990 tax return to KPMG;
   * Identified a firm for sellers permits, sales tax, etc. related to
     the planned Wikimedia merchandising webstore;
   * Worked with attorneys regarding residency certificates needed to
     receive Telefonica licensing payments (certificates should arrive
     in February);
   * Worked with KPMG regarding India entity and proposed legal structure.

Visitors and Guests

  1. Edward Erhar (User:The_ed17) (Online Ambassadors, who support
     professors and students via online means such as IRC and Wikipedia
     talk pages)
  2. Lennart Gulbrandsson (Bookshelf and Account Creation Improvement
  3. Nevio Carlos de Alarcao (Wikimedia Brazil)
  4. Achim Raschka (Wikimedia Germany)
  5. Dan Vaks (Wikimedia Israel)
  6. Federico Rampini (US Bureau Chief for one of Italy's top daily
     papers, La Repubblica)
  7. Brent Barnum (Trivad)
  8. Hans Lim (Trivad)
  9. Gabriel Mugar (User:Gabrielm199) (Wikipedia Campus Ambassador
     Train-the-Trainer event)
 10. PJ Tabit (User:Pjthepiano) (Wikipedia Campus Ambassador
     Train-the-Trainer event)
 11. Chanitra Bishop (User:Etlib) (Wikipedia Campus Ambassador
     Train-the-Trainer event)
 12. Rob Pongsajapan (User:Pongr) (Wikipedia Campus Ambassador
     Train-the-Trainer event)
 13. Dominic Grifo (User:AMDomG) (Wikipedia Campus Ambassador
     Train-the-Trainer event)
 14. Derrick Coetzee (User:Dcoetzee) (Wikipedia Campus Ambassors Training)
 15. Dominic McDevitt-Parks (User:Dominic, formerly User:Dmcdevit)
     (Wikipedia Campus Ambassors Training)
 16. Mike Cline (User:Mike Cline) (Wikipedia Campus Ambassors Training)
 17. David Lee (User:bibliomaniac15) (Wikipedia Campus Ambassors Training)
 18. Joni Spigler (User:Saudade7) (Wikipedia Campus Ambassors Training)
 19. Christopher Cheney (Wikipedia Campus Ambassors Training)
 20. David Guz (Wikipedia Campus Ambassors Training)
 21. Matt Senate (Wikipedia Campus Ambassors Training)
 22. Jodi Wilson (Wikipedia Campus Ambassors Training)
 23. Honor Gunday (Paymentwall)
 24. Brian Roth (Paymentwall)
 25. Jonathan Zittrain, Elizabeth Stark and 17 students from the
     Stanford Cyberlaw Class
 26. Ward Cunningham (Advisory Board)
 27. Corey O'Brien (OMP Consultant)
 28. Frank O'Brien (OMP Consultant)
 29. Steve Geer (OMP Consultant)
 30. Ken Berger (President and CEO of Charity Navigator)
 31. Christine Herring (Arabic production called 'On the Road in America')
 32. Arthur Honegger (Swiss public TV)
 33. Amar Ashar (Berkman Center at Harvard)
 34. Madeline Stranionis (Watershed)
 35. Karen Valby (Fast Company)
 36. Mimi Zhang (Penn State University)
 37. Sarah Novotny (Blue Gecko)
 38. Martin Schulz (Yale Computer Science Department)

Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation

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