On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:58 PM, MZMcBride wrote this plus some other stuff:

> Hi.
> When wikimediafoundation.org was first established (as a fishbowl wiki),
> there were concerns expressed about its lack of open editing. For one of the
> most prominent wiki and community-based organizations to have a closed site
> for its non-profit foundation is rather silly and anachronistic.
> The wiki was created before extensions like FlaggedRevs existed, but even
> today with these extensions theoretically capable of allowing outside
> contributions with moderation, there are still relevant and serious concerns
> about features that are enabled at wikimediafoundation.org, such as allowing
> raw HTML to be used.

I have to say, I rather support these changes.

I've long been troubled with the perception that our own foundation-wiki was so 
restrictive.  It seemed anti-thetical to me.  I'm pleased to see steps towards 
opening this up.

Philippe Beaudette
Head of Reader Relations
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.


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