On 5 January 2011 21:51, Virgilio A. P. Machado <v...@fct.unl.pt> wrote:

> Is this supposed to be funny?
> Time to address this matter to the list moderators.

I would say that posting about an RFA on Meta is not specifically
off-topic for here, but I wouldn't like it to happen for *every* RFA.
It is entirely to your credit that, in posting the link to the RFA,
you did not suggest voting in any particular manner.

I'm not sure it's a good idea for others to post their support for
Peter's admin nomination - merely on the basis of assuming that any
given style of posting will be duplicated until it's a bad idea - but
I think it's excusable as all of the people doing so do know how to
moderate their enthusiasm.

I would suggest Meta RFAs not be brought up on foundation-l in
general, but I would trust in the good sense of contributors (there
may, after all, be a case in which doing so is a good idea) rather
than making a rule as such.

I do not question your sincerity in posting here. I do think you have
no understanding whatsoever of how Wikimedia works, in detail or broad
overview, but that's quite different from questioning your sincerity
in any way. I see no reason not to assume good faith. An actual troll
would have given up long ago.

- d.

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