
There is still a huge difference between "telling a lie" and "being
inaccurate", and I don't see something misleading. It is true that the
Wikipedia/Wikimedia is confusing to many people. It never happened to
me that people, to whom I explained about, had any problem with using
Wikipedia as the umbrella word for the whole movement.

Ziko van Dijk

2011/1/2 Erik Moeller <e...@wikimedia.org>:
> 2011/1/1 Stephen Bain <stephen.b...@gmail.com>:
>> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Erik Moeller <e...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>>> But to suggest that the choice of such
>>> shorthand is tantamount to "lying to and misleading our donors" is,
>>> indeed, irresponsible hyperbole. It's clear that the choice was, in
>>> fact, made to _reduce_ potential confusion of donors about who/what
>>> they're being asked to support.
>> Hang on:
>> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Philippe Beaudette
>> <pbeaude...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>>> When we get letters saying things like "I'd donate, but only to Wikipedia, 
>>> not to Wikimedia", it spells out for us that it's possible we could attract 
>>> more people with the institution of Wikipedia than the institution of 
>>> Wikimedia.
> See the immediately previous sentence in Philippe's email: "Yes, it'll
> come as a shock to all of you <tongue-in-cheek> but there are people
> who don't know that Wikimedia is anything more than a mis-spelling of
> Wikipedia. </tongue-in-cheek>." He's talking about the exact same
> issue.
> --
> Erik Möller
> Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation
> Support Free Knowledge: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
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Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands

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