popups, lightboxes, talking jimbos: Fundraising 2011

Happy New Year everyone!

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 1:56 PM, MZMcBride <z...@mzmcbride.com> wrote:

> Brian J Mingus wrote:
> > I guess nobody cares if you top post or bottom post here, but it does get
> > confusing when the two are mixed in the same thread.
> I care. You shouldn't be top-posting or bottom-posting. Use inline posting:
> https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Mailing_list_etiquette
> Brian J Mingus (also) wrote:
> > Firstly, this is probably just an experiment to see if it draws more
> > donations. If it doesn't, they probably won't use the tactic in the
> future.
> The issue isn't whether it's a experiment or even whether it's successful.
> The issue is one of principles. Animated banner ads aren't acceptable.
> > Second, if WMF doesn't meet the fundraising goal they will have to cut
> > something from the budget. If it's so very important to you that they not
> > try advertising techniques that are mildly annoying to some users you
> should
> > start by suggesting projects that won't get funded or people that won't
> get
> > hired or servers that won't get bought, etc.
> This is a false dilemma. The money needed to keep Wikipedia and other
> Wikimedia projects running and ad-free for the next year was raised _weeks_
> ago. It's against Wikimedia's principles to use obnoxious or misleading ads
> to raise money in this manner.
> > Third, adverts are turned off for non-logged in users. Try logging in.
> As the vast majority of page views are anonymous, this is largely a moot
> point. Yes, logging in will suppress the banners on an individual level.
> That doesn't make it acceptable to have bad banners for most of the
> readership.
> MZMcBride
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