Hey gang,

We're testing editor appeals right now.  We've got the click throughs where we 
need them, it's just a matter of polishing the letter. :)

Once we've got that, we're in good shape there, and can move on to our next 
phase, which is a campaign update, probably from Sue, with the introduction of 
a graphical thermometer treatment (though this is all fairly preliminary)....

This is exactly as we expected... we knew there would be several phases to this 
campaign, and we're hitting them just almost exactly when we thought we would.  



Philippe Beaudette
Head of Reader Relations
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.


Imagine a world in which every human being can freely share 
in the sum of all knowledge.  Help us make it a reality!


On Dec 1, 2010, at 3:25 PM, Mono mium wrote:

> We certainly do need a holiday push, though - there are plenty of great
> suggestions that would really bring things in.
> How about trying something different?
> Mono
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Brian J Mingus 
> <brian.min...@colorado.edu>wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Przykuta <przyk...@o2.pl> wrote:
>>>>> Hmm. We need change strategy. Banners work well, but without changes
>> -
>>> you
>>>>> know.
>>>>> http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Special:FundraiserStatistics
>>>>> przykuta
>>>> I'm not sure that the drop can be attributed to a lack of effectiveness
>>> in
>>>> the banners. I expect us to raise significantly more this year due to
>> an
>>>> increase in readership, but I think most people that wanted to
>> contribute
>>> in
>>>> the past with the less-than-optimal banners eventually did. Now that we
>>> have
>>>> a much more effective personal appeal, those who want to contribute do
>> it
>>>> sooner rather than later.
>>>> - Brian
>>> But look on the "Christmas days" in 2008 and 2009... The banner was
>>> changed.
>>> przykuta
>> That fits with what I said - a more effective banner will cause some people
>> who would have donated at another time with a less effective banner to
>> donate now. It's certainly true that a more effective banner will draw in
>> some new donors, but with a more effective banner system the donation rate
>> we are seeing makes sense. We convinced everyone who usually donates to
>> donate right away, and now there are fewer donations per day as a result.
>> - Brian
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