> It looks to me like they just get paid to get volunteers to work.  Nice
> scheme.  So it's not technically paid editing :)
> "WikipediaExperts is a fast-growing network of experts which includes
> many
> Wikipedia editors. When a new assignment arrives we send it to the editor
> whose profile is the best fit with the subject of the article. We also
> provide support for pro-bono work of the participating editors."
> --
> ~Keegan
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Keegan
> _______________________________________________

I think you sign up with them and get paid, but I'm not interested in
doing any more undercover work, just to find that out. I suspect they
have no "stable of writers" at present, but hope to. It is quite likely
the boss will do any writing to be done for now.

Fred Bauder

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