On 02/11/2010 04:59, geni wrote:
> On 2 November 2010 03:53, Nikola Smolenski<smole...@eunet.rs>  wrote:
>> Дана Tuesday 02 November 2010 02:57:10 geni написа:
>>> 2010/11/1 KIZU Naoko<aph...@gmail.com>:
>>>> I see, thanks Mike. Personally I'm not for this kind of attempt, I'd
>>>> rather agree with Ryan: if and only if they complies with CC-BY-SA
>>>> deeds, is there any room for us to prevent them legally to spread it
>>>> even in a surprisingly overestimated price? Thought?
>>> Sure. Find an article with a french author and bring moral rights into
>>> play.
>> Doesn't have to be French, most of Europe has moral rights, if not most of 
>> the
>> world.
> France takes them rather more seriously than most. France also has a
> history of being irritating towards multinational web companies.

Perhaps, but one can't claim moral rights:

  o where the work is a computer program
  o where ownership of a work originally vested in an author's employer
  o where the material is being used in newspapers or magazines
  o reference works such as encyclopaedias or dictionaries


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