Hi all,

Most of you are aware that I'm leading the Foundation's annual  
fundraiser this year, in addition to my work as Head of Reader  
Relations.  It became increasingly obvious to Zack and me that my  
attention was being split, which was no good for either tasking.

The result of that is that we're beefing up our capacity in reader  
relations, especially with Cary rotating off the job in December.

I'm pleased to announce that Christine Moellenberndt has joined the  
Wikimedia Foundation as a Community Associate, reporting to me, on a  
temporary appointment through Feb 28.  Christine has been a Wikimedia  
reader for some time, which positions her nicely as someone who can  
speak for the needs of our readers.  Her area of expertise is online  
communities, which made for a perfect triangulation.  She's writing  
her masters thesis right now, focusing on LiveJournal.

She's done a tremendous amount of research over the last week or so,  
and is hitting the ground running, beginning with internal protocols,  
and building out scalable support systems.

You should consider Christine your first point of contact: I've found  
that she's one of the few people I've ever met more likely to be  
online than I am.  With that in mind, please do your best to not abuse  
her, huh?

She can be reached on IRC (ChristineM) or by email 
  or read...@wikimedia.org).  Most telephone calls to me will be  
redirected to her, as well.  If there's something urgent that you need  
me to see, feel free to continue to send it directly to me.

Christine will bring questions to me, early on, but I've found her to  
be a quick study and think she'll be fully functional almost  

Best wishes,
Philippe Beaudette      
Head of Reader Relations
Wikimedia Foundation


ofc: +1 415 839 6885 (x 6643)
mobile:         918 200 WIKI (9454)

Imagine a world in which every human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge.  Help us make it a reality!


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