People on ED are exactly the same as 4chan: they are in it for the lulz.[1]

They will probably always write these attack pages/satire/whatever term you
prefer. We're mostly pretty odd folk, so it's easy to make fun. But giving
them attention of any kind is what they want most, since it gives them an
opportunity for more mischief (and thus more lulz).

In other words, don't feed.

Steven Walling


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 8:23 AM, Fred Bauder <> wrote:

> > Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Encyclopedia Dramatica is a
> > parody site. Plenty of people have tried to shut them down before,
> > it's unlikely to ever happen (and in my opinion, should never happen).
> > If they have an offensive article about you, trying to get rid of it
> > will probably make it worse.
> I don't think anyone has actually tried to shut them down, as anyone who
> could is familiar with parody. They are not immune to libel suits and
> there is reason to believe the queen bee lives in the UK. However, that
> said, it's a waste of time. They may, however, be more responsive to
> complaints than is generally believed.
> Fred
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