John Vandenberg, 21/10/2010 12:30:
> If history is anything to go by, a single issue candidate is the best
> chance that WMF will adjust its strategy to devote more energy towards
> supporting the sister projects.

Have we ever had a single-issue trustee who achieved something?

> I'd hoped that the strategy project would result in board adoption of
> proposals that focus on the sister projects.  Despite the five year
> plan not speaking directly about growing the sister projects and small
> language projects, I'm hoping the board recognises that their
> ambitious targets will only be realised if they embrace the untapped
> opportunity for growth in the sister projects.  If this doesn't
> eventuate, I think we'll need to consider giving sister projects some
> form of direct representation on the board.  Maybe I was dreaming, but
> I vaguely recall someone suggesting this on foundation-l.

It may be something to consider, but I think that it's easier so support 
and participate in chapters.
Chapters are currently the only Wikimedia organizations who care about 
sisterprojects and do something for them (especially biggest/oldest 
ones; I would mention WM-DE, WMFr, WMI), and most likely the only chance 
for the Wikimedia movement to do something for sisterproject within 
a/the strategic plan.
Chapters members (and trustees) are often cross-project- and 
meta-contributors, and viceversa; and people involved in chapters 
usually have a broader view of the Wikimedia movement, i.e. they don't 
think only about Wikipedia, so they're more interested in sisteprojects.
I think that Arne and Phoebe are good examples of this, and therefore 
good WMF trustees for sisterprojects (as well as at least one community 
elected WMF trustee, by the way).


Federico Leva
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