On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:43 PM, Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org> wrote:
> thanks for sending around. Could you just give a link to where exactly on
> the wiki you would "the discussion" (very broad term :) ) like to take
> place? Which topics do you especially invite people to discuss /now/?

Great questions, Lodewijk.

The page I linked[0] is meant to be the central hub for the project,
so I think at first the discussion page[1] is the best way to get
engaged.  As more work is done, and more pages are created, it should
become more intuitive.  I know that there's not a lot of information
there, yet, but the truth is that we're just barely getting started.

At this early stage, I think that the discussion is pretty much open.
Any comments, criticism, or requests for clarification are welcome.

> Also the meeting notes mention "The first deliverable, a formal proposal to
> the Board at its October meeting, was discussed. A first draft will be sent
> to the workgroup in the next few days." - is this draft going to be public
> as intended initially? (I hope so :) - would love to give some more input
> there)

That proposal will be made available for comment, certainly.  It's
currently being drafted "in committee," as it were, not because it's
secret, but for practical reasons.  The proposal is meant to formalize
the work that's already been done and set goals for the next
milestone.  Since the ultimate goal is a universally accepted
agreement, obviously the idea is that it won't be anything
particularly objectionable.


[0] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Movement_roles_working_group
[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Movement_roles_working_group

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