Yaroslav M. Blanter wrote:
>> 2) Eurocentrism. Not an accusation to be made lightly, but look at the
>> geographic composition of the langcom. 9/13 members currently reside
>> in Europe, another is originally from Europe, 2 from Canada and 1 from
>> California. Hmm... so the population of Europe is 10% of the Earth's
>> population, but (nearly) 100% of the population of the LangCom? This
>> is a huge bias and should not be tolerated within an organization such
>> as ours which pretends to have an international scope.
>> -m.
> I guess if 75% of the members were from the US nobody would ever complain.
Hardly. It's not as if there have been no complaints ever about a 
majority of the board being from the US. It would be better if both the 
Americans and the Europeans would cut back on sniping at each other, 
acknowledge that it's unhealthy for either of them to be so 
disproportionately represented, and focus their energies on recruiting 
more people who add real cognitive diversity. That's part of what the 
board and the foundation are trying to do in the context of the 
strategic plan.

--Michael Snow

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