On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 16:19, Mark Williamson <node...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting to note the geographic distribution of members of the
> committee... hmm...

If I counted well: 9 native Germanic speakers, 2 Romance and 2 Slavic.
Or 10 centum and 2 satem or 10 Northern Indo-European and two Southern
or all Western Indo-European.

But, at least in this moment of time, it is not up to the LangCom
members, but up to the persons interested in LangCom.

While we are trying to find persons with specific expertise, it
doesn't mean that initiative is not welcome. In other words, if
someone sends to a LangCom member a good initiative, we wouldn't
ignore it. AFAIK, at least two persons have become LangCom members
because of personal initiative; including myself.

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