On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Abbas Mahmoud <abbas...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Yaroslav: X has no problem with Israel, there's even an embassy in country X, 
> from which he applied the visa, but since he is on a work permit in the 
> Middle east, the embassy sticks the visa on another paper.  Since the country 
> where he works from isnt in good terms with Israel, he travels to Israel from 
> his homecountry X. Wouldn't the immigration officer in country X bar him 
> passage due to the fact that a visa is only recognised if sticked on a 
> passport, and not a piece of paper?

Wouldn't it be more productive to stop talking about X and see if
there are actual Wikimedians out there who wish to take part in the
2011 Wikimania but can't because of their local oppressive government
and their laws and regulations?


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