We've got one new member, Amir Ahroni. He is a linguist, he knows a
couple of languages and he is active in support of smaller Wikipedian

I am happy to announce that folk from Translatewiki [1] have joined
the Language committee as the Globalization subcommittee [2]. GlobCom
will take care about localization, internationalization and, as
Siebrand likes to say, globalization of MediaWiki and Wikimedia
projects. The fact is, of course, that Translatewiki is already doing
that job and that GlobCom will formalize connection between
Translatewiki and Wikimedia Foundation. Inside of the LangCom, GlobCom
will be in charge for checking localization requirements for creation
of new projects.

[1] - http://translatewiki.net/
[2] - http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Globalization_subcommittee

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