On 16 July 2010 14:44, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Acehnese Wikipedia is a young project. They are entitled to their
> mistakes. It is for this reason important that we first talk with them about
> what it is that they do. We should not start talking TO them about what they
> are to do.
> The current talking TO them is not polite and will not lead to positive
> results. It is similar as if I were to say to the English language community
> that they have to change their way because their community consensus is
> incompatible with WMF official board sanctioned policies.

All of this is quite true. Discuss, don't tell.

However: so far it hasn't even gotten to "talking to". It's just been
noting that this is a blatant violation of NPOV and is highly

And ultimately, NPOV is non-negotiable if the current contributors to
ace:wp want it to stay a Wikimedia project.

Do you have a problem with even noting this? Do you dispute this?

- d.

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