Holy lord people just stop. If we have real issues we want to get back to
and address/talk about then by all means but this has just devolved into
sniping at each other which doesn't help a damn thing. I have a feeling a
good portion of that is because we've sort of come to a point with less to
talk about. We've heard form sue and while I would personally like to know
some of the specifics I can totally understand why Milos (or others) would
want to keep them private and it appears that he is being contacted by
someone from the Board to take this further.

I'm not totally sure it was helpful to have the vague accusations at the
start because it led us to this point ( and I'm sure I wasn't the only one
who saw that as a likely conclusion) but getting some of this in the open
does have it's benefits. Sitting here bickering after we've gotten to a
natural conclusion doesn't have any benefits.

James Alexander
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