On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Mariano Cecowski
<marianocecow...@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
> "Džimi Vejls"; makes me laugh every time. :)
> Do the billboards on the street have anything written?

There were a lot of discussions how to transliterate "Wales" in
Serbian. As Jimmy's name is the same as the name for the country Wales
and we have traditional pronunciation/spelling Vels, it was the first
option. Then, we asked Jimmy how he would like to have his surname
transcribed, which was "Vejls" :)

> PS: Kako da Mari ni u cirilici?

It is possible to write in both alphabets on Wikipedia in Serbian. If
you want to see the article in the other alphabet, you should click on
"ћирлица" (or "latinica") tab.

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