wjhon...@aol.com wrote:
>  The foundation does not "own and operate" the site in the way that Fox news 
> owns and operates their site.
> The foundation merely ensures that the site operates, functions, runs.
> It does not edit the contents of the site.  That is the fundamental flaw in 
> this argument.
> I really doubt that we are "promoting" the Foundation.  I think we are 
> "promoting" (if anything) the contents of the site, which contents are 
> created, edited, loaded by the community.  It is the uploader who is 
> responsible for any legal issue regarding what they have uploaded.  Not the 
> foundation.
> That is how the Wikimedia sites differ from a typical site.
> In the same way, Facebook is not legally responsible for some member uploaded 
> nude pictures of their ex-boyfriend to their page.
> The user doing the uploading is responsible.

Across the world the "Nobody is home" argument is quickly running out of 
steam. Google execs sentenced to 6 months in Italy, LimeWire guilty for 
its user's piracy, and blog owner found liable for user submitted libel.


the days of the internet being a free for all are coming to an end. If 
websites won't take responsibility, at least to the extent of having a 
policies in place which are enforced, then others will make it for them, 
  by disabling access to the site.

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