--- On Tue, 11/5/10, Aryeh Gregor <simetrical+wikil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The obvious solution is not to display images by default
> that a large
> number of viewers would prefer not to view.  Instead,
> provide links,
> or maybe have them blurred out and allow a click to unblur
> them.  You
> don't hide any information from people who actually want it
> (you
> require an extra click at most), and you don't force people
> to view
> images that they don't want to view.  This allows as
> many people as
> possible to get what they want: people who want to see the
> images can
> see them, and those who don't can choose not to.  The
> status quo
> forces people to view the images whether or not they want
> to.  And a
> lot of people don't want to look at naked people without
> warning, for
> whatever reason.

A similar method is used by the Chinese Wikipedia article on masturbation.

It hides its gallery of images in an expandable box:




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