On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 20:05, Jay Walsh <jwa...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Wikipedia is written by hundreds of thousands of volunteers from around the 
> world, and that won't change with this project. The Wikipedia Public Policy 
> Initiative will recruit Wikipedia volunteers to work with public policy 
> professors and students to identify topic areas for improvement, and work to 
> make them better. Some of that work will take the form of classroom 
> assignments, and pilot activities will begin during the 2010 fall academic 
> semester. The project will continue through summer 2011.

So if I could distill this announcement, it would be "$1.2M to liaison
with profs to essentially grade public policy articles so that our
unpaid volunteers can correct errors, add sources, and fix the
proverbial 'awk' in the margins" - is that correct?


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