> Why should we
> reuse our own unfree logo and not others unfree logos. We aim to creat
> a free encyclopedia that can be freely reused. 

What is rational about taking a scenario to the extreme?

We want to use a bare minimum of unfree content, wherever possible. That is not 
the same as NO unfree content. It does not follow that because we cannot have 
ZERO unfree content, than we should be able to use everyone elses unfree stuff. 
That is not a logical conclusion, nor is it rational.

The fact is, regardless of any other circumstance, the Wikimedia logos are one, 
small, limited exception. Comparing them to Coca-Cola, or Volvo, or anything 
else is ridiculous, because those companies do not operate Wikipedia. 

Nor does it make sense to complain about the logo hindering free reuse. We 
allow nearly all of our content to be reused, as Mike said, subject to the GFDL 
or CC-BY-SA licenses.  This is not free reuse. It is reuse subject to some 
restrictions.  The fact that we have trademark protection for the WMF logos has 
essentially no relationship to downstream use of content. Don't confuse the 
source identifier with the content itself. These are different things.

So again, I see nothing rational nor logical with what Sv.Wp is doing. They are 
taking these examples to hyperbolic extremes over an insignificant issue, in 
order to prove a point. A point, I should note, that does NOT further the 
success of WMF's mission; in fact it directly hinders it, as Mike pointed out 
with regard to the licenses. (this is ignoring, of course, all the 
misconstruals of copyright as trademark, and vice versa which add further 
unnecessary fuel to the fire).

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