I read the Report earlier today as it was passed around Twitter. The design
is really a step up from the last report (not that it was bad, just that is
one is so good). The timeline in particular is helpful.

I would like to say that the page about the Mumbai attacks article felt *
slightly* out of context, at least compared to the amount of space devoted
to it versus, say, the NIH Wikipedia Academy. Donors might benefit from a
more frank explanation that the article was just one example of the projects
as a source of breaking news and how our content evolves over time.

Anyway, that's just some nitpicking on a pretty fantastic document. :) Well

Steven Walling

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Jay Walsh <jwa...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> In the next day or so Rand and the fundraising team will be sending out an
> email to all of our donors (about 230,000 - thanks to a tremendous
> fundraiser) recapping the campaign sharing our 2nd annual report, which you
> can also read here:
> http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Annual_Report
> As with our previous year's report, we make an effort to describe the
> year's activities, our major accomplishments, our financial successes, and
> where we're heading in the coming year/years.  This is a crucial tool for
> our fundraisers and for building strong relationships with our major
> stakeholders, and of course to let our chapters and our vast community of
> volunteers get a snapshot of our work.  It's primarily intended to work as a
> print document, and one that quickly presents top-line data and key
> information, as well as a basic structured narrative about the Foundation
> and our volunteer community's work.
> You'll note that our report is out later than last year, and this isn't a
> pattern we'll duplicate :)  We did spend more time on design and narrative
> this year, with the intention of bringing more depth to the story,
> especially in features like the center-spread anatomy of an article.  We
> also wanted to put more of a forward-facing direction on the report.
> Optimally our report will always come out 2-3 months after the close of
> fiscal, as soon as our audited statements are complete.
> There's still more good work to be done, but it's a big leap from last
> year. This year's designers David Peters and Rhonda Rubenstein did a great
> job (collectively known as 'ExBrook design' here in SF
> http://www.exbrook.com/).  Lane Hartwell's ccbysa photos feature
> prominently - she's been shooting our staff portraits for the last two years
> (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Photography_by_Lane_Hartwell).
> We'll be starting work on the next edition in a few months.  About 1500
> copies will be printed here in the next week or so.  We'll be sure to bring
> copies to the chapter meeting and of course Wikimania.  We can ship some
> copies out as well if there's interest (but in limited quantities only, it's
> a pricy shipment after 10 locations :)
> Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
> --
> Jay Walsh
> Head of Communications
> WikimediaFoundation.org
> blog.wikimedia.org
> +1 (415) 839 6885 x 609, @jansonw
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