2009/11/29 Laura Hale <la...@fanhistory.com>:
> As for where Fan History's proposal to join WMF stands now, we're not sure.
> The mailing list conversation died.  Strategy wiki's only commentary has
> been regarding getting us off the blacklist for Foundation projects.
> Sincerely,
> Laura Hale

I think it's time to stop messing you around. I'm not part of the
foundation and I can't speak for it however:

1)at this point you basically have to assume the answer is no. The
only people who could okay you joining are Sue Gardner or a direct
board vote. Neither Sue nor the board have shown much interest and you
are unlikely to get enough community backing to make them do so.

2)Even if it did happen "staffers getting some form of compensation"
is right out. The WMF has far less than 1 employee per wiki.

3)Timelines. The general rule with regards to wikimedia projects is
that if something doesn't happen fast it probably won't happen and if
it does it will take years.

As for alternative partnerships Tvtropes are by far the most obvious
(large community,shared interests) but dealing with the software
issues would be quite a trick.


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