On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 19:09, Gregory Kohs <thekoh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Geni, you (and others) seem to place a lot of stock in "parent
> responsibility":
> http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/foundation-l/2009-November/056095.html
> Work with me for a moment here... if a parent takes her 9-year-old boy to
> the toy boutique, and the boy asks to stay outside on the sidewalk with the
> pantomime clown the store has hired to promote their business, and the mom
> says "okay", goes inside, then the boy wanders down the sidewalk a bit to
> look at the window display of toy trains, but is then abducted by a
> stranger, raped, mutilated, and dumped in the woods, that is the
> responsibility of the parent?  The consequences are entirely her fault for
> leaving the kid alone with the clown?  Nobody else holds any responsibility
> whatsoever in that event?
> Are you saying that it's more important that the mime stay in character and
> not use either his own common sense or courtesy, or perhaps follow
> instructions or guidelines that have been conferred on him by either the
> store or his entertainment company employer to say, "Please don't leave your
> child unattended with me, ma'am.  Liability, you know?"

A mime in this situation is there to attract children Wikipedia isn't.
A better comparison would be the Disney website.


"Maybe you knew early on that your track went from point A to B, but
unlike you I wasn't given a map at birth!" Alyssa, "Chasing Amy"

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