2009/10/31 Sebastian Moleski <seb...@gmail.com>:
> I have to disagree. The reason for the speculation is not the rumor. The
> reason for the speculation is a misguided sense that there's some sort of
> absolute right to know about these things.

Something of a strawman.

No one suggesting the foundation should have made a statement has
suggested that it is due to some right to know.

Wikipedians do have an absolute right to be interested in things. They
are also rather good at finding things out. In such an environment the
rational approach is to make an announcement early to head of the
rumor mill.

> Jimmy's right: it makes sense
> that board or upper level management positions are discussed among the
> project community (although I would not consider this list to be a useful
> forum of community discussion). It does not, however, make sense that this
> principle be applied to someone responsible for office IT.

The community can and will discuss whatever it likes. Ranging from the
copyright status of File:L O Schoolhouse Brochure Cover.jpg (probably
PD due to failure to renew) to who should be on the board. Somewhere
in between you have debates back room foundation personnel. Now either
you can have these debates based on rumor and gossip in a situation
where you have people out there looking to spread malicious gossip or
you can have them based on foundation announcements.

> I don't know what the reasons were for why this particular employment is
> scheduled to end. And there's no reason that I or anyone other than those
> directly involved with it internally to the foundation should know. It's a
> simple case of none-of-your-business.

None-of-your-business? Please we are talking about wikipedians. That's
not really a concept that has wide recognition.


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