On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 10:22 PM, geni <geni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> And the reason for speculation is that people first found out by rumor
> rather than foundation announcement. Basic communication management.
> Get stuff out before someone else can put their spin on it.

I have to disagree. The reason for the speculation is not the rumor. The
reason for the speculation is a misguided sense that there's some sort of
absolute right to know about these things. Jimmy's right: it makes sense
that board or upper level management positions are discussed among the
project community (although I would not consider this list to be a useful
forum of community discussion). It does not, however, make sense that this
principle be applied to someone responsible for office IT.

I don't know what the reasons were for why this particular employment is
scheduled to end. And there's no reason that I or anyone other than those
directly involved with it internally to the foundation should know. It's a
simple case of none-of-your-business.

Best regards,

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